The status of sexual and reproductive health of youths andadolescents in urban areas across the globe is alarming. Evi-dence from Uganda Aids Indicator Survey 2011 indicatesthat over 31% youths who have never married are engagedin sexual intercourse but have never tested for HIV.Gambling is clearly on the increase in major towns and citiesdrawing in several youths. However, the risk that this prac-tice poses on the youth's sexual behavior has not beeninvestigated in Uganda. This study intended to fill this gap.This study examined the sexual risk associated with gam-bling among youths in Rubaga Division of Kampala CapitalCity of Uganda. The study employed a quantitative crosssectional design to survey 397 youths aged 15 to 24 years.It employed a systematic sampling scheme in selectinghouseholds with youths who responded to the householdsurvey questionnaire. Results showed that more male thanfemale youths are engaged in gambling, majority of whomstart gambling below 18 years. Most of the gambling youthsare pulled by competition with peers and desire to earnmoney. Compared with nongambling youths, gamblingyouths have more sexual encounters, initiate sexual activityat a young age, have unprotected sex, have sex with morethan one partner whom they do not know their HIV status,and have sex under the influence of alcohol. The study rec-ommends for government to form and enforce policies toregulate gambling with a view of minimizing its associatedrisks especially unsafe sex. Through the ministry of healthand civil society organizations, government can create programs to reach the gambling youths with sexual repro-ductive health services.