This paper unveils that problem grounded Information Communication Technology based solutions
(ICTs) can enhance credit facilitation decision making that can ultimately improve financial Performance
in Agricultural Cooperatives. This paper is motivated by two issues. Firstly, that the current financial
performance measured in terms of loan portfolio, liquidity ratio and non-repayable loans is a result of
decisions made in credit facilitation by cooperative managers in Uganda. Secondly that Information
Communication Technology can provide an innovative mechanism which is theoretically grounded, and
can improve the way of working of credit facilitation in agricultural cooperatives. This innovative ICT
mechanism is called a Decision Enhancement Credit Facilitation Approach (DECFA) which is capable
of enhancing the decisions of the credit facilitation process. The design of the DECFA was two- folded
that is translating credit facilitation decision challenges into credit facilitation decision requirements. The
requirements were translated into case scenarios which were presented as user case diagrams. These user
case diagrams were translated into suites that were implemented in a studio environment. The design of
the user case diagrams was done using the Unified Modified Language (UML). A fully designed DECFA
can enhance credit facilitation decisions in agricultural cooperatives and it’s supported by information
communication technology.